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not alone. Knowing is the best thing.

through the cracked sky, foggy streets and dark corners, I hear you, singing softly. the light, the need, the warmth of the sun and green trees and blue waters. 
I'll walk toward the sound, skipping and then slowing... to not miss a moment. 
We got one road, one beaten path, one journey. no matter the way we chose, it is one path.. winding, bounding, up the tall mountains and down in the deep dark valleys. 

wheater we choose to take the high road, or stay in the dark lows, we choose, we are guided, we are invoked, we are pressed, we are pushed, pulled and chased. where we go, step by step, we choose.

since this is true, and the end is good, the end is good.... oh knowing that makes me want to run RUN to get there. to get to the finish line, be wrapped up in the arms of the ONE who pulls, but doesn't push. who calls but doesn't demand. who loves and doesn't stop. 

So, today, I say, I'll sew up my heart and begin again. One door closes, another opens. I may be walking in the cold, alone, along this road, this journey, filled with dark and mist. I may THINK I am alone... when it gets dark, when it gets messy or hard. I may fall. I may stumble, or break a bone or two. but knowing... KNOWING. knowing is the best thing - makes it all worth it. Knowing, I am covered. I am safe. I am NOT alone. 

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. - Psalm 23:4


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